Sold by the Pound
Get extra savings when you visit Goodwill Outlets!
How does it work?
Our outlet centers are a bit different than our stores. Most of the items in our outlets are placed in large bins rather than hung on a rack or placed on shelves. Also, most of the items are sold by the pound.
PLEASE NOTE: All sales are final, we do not accept returns at Goodwill Outlet Centers.
Tips for a Quick Checkout
Since you purchase items by the pound, checkout is a bit different. Here are some tips to help you:
1. Divide your cart into the categories shown in the diagram. These items need to be rung up separately.
2. The associate will determine the best way to ring up your merchandise. Please work with them to get everything weighed properly.
3. When rolling your cart onto the floor scale, be sure to remove your personal belongings or you will be charged for their weight.
Goodwill Keystone Area Outlet Center Locations
(click address to view store page)
1400 Aip Dr Middletown, PA 17057
3001 St Lawrence Ave, Reading, PA 19606