Have you heard the news yet? There was a fantastic find of a 2.6 carat diamond ring found anonymously donated to a Goodwill store. This really is a treasure. The ring is absolutely beautiful and has been appraised at a whopping $17,600!! It just goes to show that you never know what treasure you may find at your local Goodwill.

The ring will be placed on the auction site for Goodwill at www.shopgoodwill.com and will be under the section of Reading, PA. Bidding will start soon so make sure you and everyone you know has a chance to bid on this priceless treasure that is at Goodwill.

This story has been seen on all kinds of media outlets. Check it out how this ring is sweeping the nation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEF9ZHkQNOU

This is a well put together piece showing the ring and how it was found.

Treasures like this one can be found all over at your local Goodwill. All it takes is a little digging. As always, Happy hunting.

To find out when the ring will be posted, fan Goodwill Keystone Area on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.

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